old photo album of China 1902-1903 by German military (190007)

old photo album of China 1902-1903 by German military (190007)
Just after the boxer uprising (1899-1900), several regiments were sent to China. One particular German officer travelled on the SS Konig Albert to China and took great pictures of Tientsin, like “Astehaus-the first hotel in Tientsin”, Yangtsun, Peitaiho (Beidaihe in Hebei Province), Lo Fa (train accident), Beijing and many other places.
There are many texts written in old German, which is difficult to read for our generation. But an older German gentleman helped me to transcript many parts.
The album itself is ca 40x30cm and has thick carton pages. There are about 160 pictures of China + in the end of the book there are 19 pictures of Japan and 10 of Ceylon. The pictures vary from small to big. This unique album stays in our collection, unless a very good offer is being made.
After all those years it is time to share these pictures with the world. Some nice examples are shown here, for you to enjoy!
By the way, we are always looking for great photo albums like this. They can be from anywhere in the world! Please contact us, if you want to offer something special!/ In Dutch: heeft u ook zulke bijzondere foto’s? Wij hebben grote interesse. Stuur een mail naar edwin@postvanvroeger.nl